Marriage License Application, one per applicant

Kelly Hall
The Recorder of Deeds office is governed by the state statutes of Missouri and preserves the real estate land records for Christian County. The Recorder’s office is responsible for recording many types of documents.
- Record and maintain records pertaining to real property
- Issue and maintain Marriage License Information
- File and maintain federal and state tax liens
- File and maintain Military Discharges
Online Access Information
Indexed data without images is available to the general public online. The document information will provide the grantor/grantee, legal description, recording date and book and page number. The system updates and provides easy accessibility to link records.
Notification services are available. The iRecordWeb Notification Service allows you to be notified when a document is recorded matching your pre-defined search criteria. You must be registered to use this function.
Marriage License
Marriage License Application, one per applicant
Effective Aug. 28, 2018: Senate Bill 655 prohibits marriage licenses from being issued if either party is under 16 years of age. Additionally, the legislation prohibits the marriage of any individual age 21 or older to anyone under age 18. Parental consent will still be required for applicants 16 or 17 years of age to marry within the constraints of this new law.
Apply for a Marriage License
Both applicants must appear together at the Recorder of Deeds Office, located in the Historical Courthouse at 100 W. Church Street Room 104, Ozark, MO 65721. Take note of the following qualifications:
- Both applicants must be 16 years of age or older. Parental consent is required for applicants 16 or 17 years of age.
- Applicants must present a valid government-issued photo ID and know Social Security number.
- Previously married applicants must provide date of divorce decree or death date of previous spouse.
- Foreign applicants must present their valid government-issued Passport with valid US Visa.
- Applicants may not be related to each other through and including first cousins.
- The ceremony must be performed within 30 days beginning from the date of issuance of marriage license.
- The ceremony must be performed in the state of Missouri.
- Applicants will pay $55 cash/credit at the time of license issuance. This includes a certified copy after the ceremony.
- If an applicant is age 16 or 17, a certified birth certificate must be provided and the applicant must be accompanied by their parents to give consent to their application. If parents are divorced, the consenting parent must provide court papers to prove custody.
- If an applicant is age 15 or under, a court order is required for that party.
- No applicant age 21 or older may marry anyone under age 18.
- If either applicant is unable to appear in the Recorder of Deeds Office to apply due to military service, ADA qualifying disability or incarceration, an affidavit of Absent Applicant may be used.
- Marriage License Application, one per applicant PDF
- Affidavit of Absent Applicant (Incarcerated) PDF
- Affidavit of Absent Applicant (Disabled) PDF
- Affidavit of Absent Applicant (Military) PDF
Return and Record of Marriage
The person performing the ceremony is required by law to return the completed license to the Christian County Recorder of Deeds Office within 15 days of the ceremony.
Lost, Destroyed or Unused Marriage License
A lost or destroyed marriage license can be replaced with the original issuance date for $2 in the Recorder of Deeds Office. If a marriage license is unused, it must be marked “unused” and returned to the Office per RSMo 451.130.
Additional Information
- There is no waiting period.
- Blood tests are not required.
- Applications are taken Monday through Friday, except on holidays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Officiant Requirements (RSMo 451.1)
- Notice to Officiants
- Social Security (name change)
Standards and Fees
Effective January 1, 2025, the fee for recording all surveys, minor subs, and plats will be $44 for 18”x 24” and $69 for 24”x 36” in Christian County.
Recording of Documents
The Recorder of Deeds Office records and preserves a diverse collection of documents mostly pertaining to real estate filed in Christian County for public record. The Recorder’s Office currently accepts walk-ins, mail and electronic recordings.
We do not accept blanket assignments.
Notary seals or stamps shall not be applied on the notarial certificate of document in a manner that will render illegible or incapable of photographic reproduction of any of the printed marks or writing on the certificate of document RSMo 486.28.
When recording a Deed of Release to release a Deed of Trust dated before January 1, 1986 you must present the original Promissory Note and Deed of Trust for comparing and cancellation. If the Deed of Trust is not available, you may record an Affidavit of Lost Note prior to the release.
In-Office Recording
Due to legal liability, the Recorder of Deeds Office will not provide document forms, notary services or legal advice. All documents submitted for recording must meet the recording requirements and be complete when submitted for recordation.
Electronic Document Recording (eRecording)
Electronic Document Recording (eRecording) is an option for title companies, law firms, banks and other businesses to electronically submit their documents through an eRecording vendor. The document is electronically returned to the vendor after it has been recorded by the Recorder of Deeds Office.
Benefits of eRecording
- Document tracking and security
- Fewer rejections
- Documents recorded and returned same day
- Electronic payment
Documents NOT eligible for eRecording:
- Plats
- Surveys
eRecording Vendors
For further information about eRecording or to set up an account, contact:
iCounty Technologies, LLC
Dave Mudd or Lisa Norris
(816) 295-1540
Military Discharges
The Recorder of Deeds will file and preserve a military discharge. Per RSMo 59.480, they are restricted from public search and may only be accessed by the veteran or authorized party. A veteran or authorized party can request a copy from our copy center for no additional charge. If a military discharge is filed in another county, you must contact that county’s Recorder of Deeds office for a copy. The authorized party (requester) shall complete Sections 1 through 4 on the form and sign in the presence of a notary public before presenting the request is made to the Recorder of Deeds. Forms are available in the Recorders office or online.
If you need a copy of your original DD214 contact your local State Congressman or Senator’s office.
- Congressman Eric Burlison 417-229-1800
- Senator Eric Schmitt 417-290-5000
- Senator Josh Hawley 417-869-4433
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
As of July 1, 2001, the Missouri Secretary of State assumed the duties of UCC filings, except real estate related fixture filings. The Christian County Recorder of Deeds Office will only record UCCs that affect real estate and are recorded into land records. For information about filing a UCC with the Secretary of State, call 866-223-6535, opt. 3 or go to